When I was much much younger. I had just had a break up and was sulking in my beer at a bar. Got to talking to this woman and we ended up having a one night stand. The sex was good, I was kind of left empty after words something was off. The wham bam thank you mame was not fulfilling at all.
Acid was fun but only did it the once because I don't like the odds of a bad trip. Also unknowingly smoked a heroin laced joint one time, it scared the shit out of me that I actually enjoyed it so much, I won't ever smoke anything I haven't rolled myself nowadays.
Campari shots. It felt like my gums were burning and I thought I was bleeding internally. That was a terrible experience. But I'm pretty sure I'll do something else stupid.
Long distance relationship. One burnt, twice shy.
Coke. It's like nitrous bulbs for rich people.
What one thing? So many that I can't pick one, if I had a dollar for every time I said "Well I never have to do that again". Something I am trying to teach my daughter, try it, you may hate it and you may love it.
But the things that stand out are some of the things I have eaten, I have put some things in my mouth that I have truly regretted. Most of the things I will never do again aren't things I wouldn't if the opportunity came up again, but I am looking for new things to try.
Living with a stripper. I say this with little confidence I have the strength of my conviction.