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LINK Depo-Provera and Bone Mineral Density - NWHN

While they were in HS, one of our doctors recommended Depo Provera for my two oldest girls. One of them is having major dental issues now, I don't know about the other one. If you or anyone you know took Depo, this is important info.

HippieChick58 9 July 11

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Always it's the women targeted for various birth control means. The hormone cycle in a woman controls lots more than just getting preggers. DAMN it, dealing with seman production would seem so much easier to figure out but since it is primarily males looking for ways are we surprised by the best available choices?
I never used that form and by 30 I was sure I did not want kids so I had my tubes tied.
Dental health or poor dental health leads to many other health issues.
When are women going to demand better and equal treatment when it comes to sex, birth control and just every other damn thing in society? I realize many men share my view but apparently not enough of them make up our elected officials.

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