Most of my reading these days is done online. I'm constantly reading books on my online library. But, I read a lot of journals and online articles too.
Sometimes when I'm feeling it, I'll buy a book or get some physical ones from the library, but I can get a little carried away in there. ^_^
I read Kindle books on my Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet and laptop.
I read while on public transportation, while waiting for anything, at home.
Being a truck driver most of my reading is done through audiobooks. Every now and then I get a chance to sit down and read a good book though.
I try to read every night before I go to sleep. I'm in bed, book propped. My last book was "Jefferson's Daughters" a biography of the white and mixed race daughters of Thomas Jefferson. I also read online many times a day, I read several blogs. And then I read license plates and bumper stickers. I used to read cereal boxes. If it is print and in front of me I will read it.
Most of my reading lately is news and technical, typically online. I don't get a lot of reading for pleasure in, though I prefer a physical paperback to electronic device when I can.
@silvereyes Free books are wonderful. I download a lot of public domain books from Project Gutenberg (though I download far more than I actually read, unfortunately).
@silvereyes Yep, I think everything there is out of copyright and now in the public domain. There are other sources, too, but PG seems to be one of the best (though their web interface could use an update for mobile use).
On here, FB articles, and FB posts. Once I get my pill for concentration, I can read my books again.
I read loads books ... I can't seem to settle reading a book online , although
i did read ' GOD IS NOT GREAT on my ipad .
I, m,ostly in bed when I read .
I want to minimize my time on the computer and almost only read with paper. Pluse, if it is my own book, I can dogear pages and make notes and highlights (I can hear the groans). That way I can go over the book later and hit the parts I felt were important.
Unually at my table (which has become a desk), stretched out on the sofa or before bed (the more boring the book the better to get to sleep). When I worked, it was a 30 minute bus ride to the office so a lot of reading was done there.
Like you, most of my reading these days is done online, I did try going to the library yesterday afternoon but there wasn't a single open parking space.
Maybe today.
@silvereyes It's big and always crowded, we just decided to drop by on the way home, it was after school let out so it was extra packed.
I don't manage much reading at all, as I routinely fall asleep after a few paragraphs. Narcolepsy sucks. I used to be able to spend hours in a book, but my meds don't seem to be working any more.
Since you asked..... On the John. Lol
My favorite location also but, um, beware physical issues of spending too much time, ahem, reading. I am starting to reap the benefits of decades of doing same.
Reading in da tub is better.
I primarily do reading via audio books, which I download from teh NLS (National Library Service), and listne to through an app on my phone. I am partially (legally) blind, and so reading hard copy or starign at a computer screen too long will give me eye strain preatty esily. Anyway, i listen to anywhere from 5-15 books a week, dependign on how logn the books are.
For new I mostly listen to NPR, but get soem news off the internet.
@silvereyes I'll probably mention NLS from time to time in comments. It is a great resource for those who are blind or have some other print (reading) disability.
I'd say the same these days. Mostly online reading. But I enjoy a good novel now and again.
I didn't answer the question in my last comment. Most of my reading is done where ever I have a few moments to read. I always have a book with me. If I go to the movies and there are a few minutes before the show, I'll read. I've even read a paragraph or two when I'm at a stop light. I know, I shouldn't. I usually read a bit before bed. Last night I sat in a comfortable chair and read a bit.
I do a lot of "real" book reading. I still do a lot of online reading. But nothing better than a real book in my hands. I carry a few books with me where ever I go. It would probably be better to just have online reading and books on my Nook with regard to taking up space. But I can't help my love of the printed word. I even print things from the internet instead of reading them on the computer.
My favorite place to read is my patio - weather permitting. But I read all over the place - in bed, on the couch, and, when my son was small and I used to drive him to baseball and music lessons, in my car. I used to keep a book in my car for those waiting times. Every so often I drive a long distance and I use audiobooks. I've never tried a Kindle I like book books. They don't need batteries, fit in your pocket, and they're free at the library. Books are so cool - you actually can get right inside of another person's mind.
Most of my reading is now listening- books on cd; the electronic library,etc. Most of that is done while I drive. I still look at knittiing and spinning and gardening books, because of the pictures, bur straight forward reading is too strenuous for my old eyes.
I like Audible (audio books), Great way to learn and be intertained. If you spend any amount of time driving I would recommend. Pretty Cheap if you sign up to get once a month or once every other month.