Anus saving us from being born bad needing grape juice and crackers and a bath in front of a cult of believers.....praise Geebush Geehobah GhostHole asshole
I found this on a FaceBook page called "Reasons the Bible is Fake" I I know of one other goat farmer that feels the same way I do about religion but this hints there are more of us out there and it does look more like Jesus than the toast version does.
@misstuffy I guess I must look more closely to any mammal anus for my inspirations of faith ? I still prefer Flying Spaghetti Monster miracles of noodle and balls
@GreenAtheist I take it for what it is, a show of just how ridiculous Christians are when they see " Christ" image in things like toast, clouds, whatever. To me it was a good laugh.
That's beautiful!
I think it is hilarious myself.