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LINK The San Andreas Fault Is About To Crack – Here’s What Will Happen When It Does | IFLScience

Live on the west coast? In Cali? What could REALLY happen.

IAJO163 8 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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They have been sayign this for as long as I cna remember. Yeah, it will happen eventually, but chances are not in the immediate future.


I worry about my friends and family there

bobwjr Level 10 July 18, 2019

As do I. Northridge was scary so anything bigger than that would be devastaing.


Isn't seismology fascinating? I live not far from the New Madrid Fault, and we keep hearing that we are "overdue" for a quake similar in magnitude to the series of them in 1811-12 which liquified the ground in the vicinity, caused the Mississippi River to run backwards, and rang church bells in Boston. I bought insurance, and I watch the government quake map because it interests me, but I don't spend any time worrying about it.

Deb57 Level 8 July 18, 2019

I've experienced a few of varying degrees. I live east of the river now and understand that a quake of that magnitude here would destroy a lot due to the plate formation. Hopefully it doesn't happen.


Really not much new. It will pop at some point; and as of yet, science cannot say when with any accuracy. Lots of earthquake zones and just staying prepped is all to be done - aside from zoning and maybe reinforcing or replacing old buildings to mitigate damage (cost will limit that from happening)

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