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Are you superstitious?

OK----so you are a Non Believer, but are you superstitious?

Knock on wood etc.

alon 6 July 18

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I used to, but then I got this charm that protects me from superstition. Works great!

1of5 Level 8 July 18, 2019

No. Occasionally I use figures of speech that amuse me like "knock on wood."

To be silly, I knock on my own head. Little kids love it.


I'll need to pray on this before I can answer.


No. But I also don't walk under ladders on principle.

That's a practical issue.

@evidentialist Exactly.


Of course NOT !!! .... Brings bad luck !!!! 😂😂😂😂


I am an absolute believer in the Lord God Murphy

His law is always obeyed...

I.E. Murphy's Law: what can go wrong, will go wrong.

Other than that, nope.

camne Level 7 July 18, 2019

True. So very true.


Super? No. I'm just a little stitious


It's funny when I ask a faith-based person if they are superstitious and they say no. They just don't realize what they are saying. If they believe a superstition is true, they think it is not a superstition. 😀


No but I have some irrational fears. Like having to at least have a sheet on me because of the ax man. Not putting my feet near my bed so the monster can’t get me, etc

@creative51 somehow a sheet stops the ax. The ax man is a man who wants to chop me up with an ax.

When I was in high school there was a skeleton in a purple cloak that lived in my basement


Nope. Everyone knows superstition brings bad luck.


No, but some of those silly habits linger on.


No, but I do salute magpies, but who would not want to salute magpies, they are such jaunty flashy birds.


no. not at all. english is rife with superstitious and religious language, and it is sometimes unavoidable, but if you say "knock on wood" it doesn't have to mean you are acknowledging some effectiveness of that action; to some it does, but to others, like me, it's just a way of saying "i hope" or admitting that there is a danger that what you're wishing for might not come to pass. i have said before that if i bang my toe and yell "shit" i am not calling upon anyone to defecate, or identifying scat. it's a handy word, and it's been divorced from its literal meaning in that context. so no, i may use superstitious or even religion-tinged language (jesus christ, what IS she going on about now?) when i feel it's the best way to express my feelings, but it in no way indicates an actual superstition, thank god rofl rofl rofl rofl i hope i didn't jinx anyone....



Not really.


Profoundly. I used to be a sailor.

@Allamanda I, on the other hand, wholeheartedly embraced the superstitious traditions of the seafaring culture!


Wow that's a toughie let me see,. Um NO!


I am not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. 😀


Never! My lucky rabbit’s foot always wards off such nonsense thinking!


I don't believe in them, but I also don't hesitate to use old superstitious sayings just because of habit, a reference, etc.

Many times you can get your stories across by using a few noted ones that everyone gets..."break a leg" for instance...

Some of it is just for fun when you do stuff like go to a baseball game wearing the same t-shirt you wore when they last won a is just silly and not anything I put any real thought into.

I someetimes do some of those things too but I'm trying to not perpetuate superstitions and myths by repeating them.

@dare2dream I think a lot of the original reasons behind some of these are now being lost. The new generations do not get the reference, and perhaps, that is a good thing. If anything, personal things that people do for "luck" seems to be individualized and not based on passed down superstitions...the little ones sometimes wear two different socks for good luck or wear a "lucky" jacket, but they know it is something to bolster their own confidence rather than an unproven superstition.


I am superstitious in the same way that I sometimes enjoy reading horoscopes. It serves to lighten my mood. I don’t take any of it seriously.


How can one honestly admit to being superstitious? Don't we always believe our superstitions to be the truth? A question I have is what makes a belief a superstition? Can one believe science superstitiously? For example, if I believe the law of gravity is true because I dreamed God told me it was the truth, is it a superstition?



But if there was a hoot owl howling outside my window pane for six nights in a row....?

I might freak a little.

I may have just really confused the youngsters.

Lol I have a hot owl that hoots outside my window every night. I don't think I could go to sleep without hearing him.

@Incognitohippy ....She's coming for me I know.

And on _____ we're gonna go.

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