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With regards to some agnostics who defend the utility of religion; I don't quite understand.

One the one hand it isn't convincing enough to them (they are aware it's fiction). And on the other hand they try to shame atheists for wanting a world without a religious influence on politics, laws etc.

In other words they know masses of people are deluded, trying to impose nonsense on others, and still support that, claiming without it the world would implode somehow; that there would be no ethics or compassion left.

To me that is an insult to our species; it's as if they thought they were safe enough not believing, while having a presumably superior intellect, but most people would simply revert to a primitive condition overnight if they thought they were no longer supervised by a god. That's some claim of superiority right there.

I understand why believers would be passionate about their views, but in this case, I don't.

I've interacted with a few of them and was taken aback by their defence of bigotry, since "the religious are deluded but they're still better than atheists, who would destroy the world". They would back people claiming Noah's flood had actually happened.

Any thoughts?

Gilda 4 Mar 15

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At what point did we lose the right to be deluded?

People, both religious and non-religious, need to stop telling other people what to think and what to believe. Put forward reasoned arguments, by all means, but the insistence that your side is right and everyone who is wrong has to accept it, isn't constructive for anyone.

There are countries where you can still be executed for giving up on your faith. I can't help feeling some atheists and agnostics would gladly line up believers (particuarly evangelical ones) and shoot them, too.

Religion has no place in politics. Thankfully, I live in a country with the common sense to see that, these days.


"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

  • Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Religion is good for seperating you from your money, taking away your rational thinking, allowing someone to control you, causing you to basis towards any who do not follow your religion, making you something that you are not.


Fuck yes all that is slightly difficult is to actually know what it would be like with no believers like how would we tell the time or would we keep the time system because its easier. animals do it all the time.

it's just difficult to answer because I personally think a lot of wars aren't actually directly about religion but its used to justify taking power and killing each other. I think a lot of Americans are just as religious over there right to bear arms too. it is a lovely thought that we would be in a much happier environment without guns and honestly, as very intelligent creatures we should be. if you look at the life of wild chimps that are very similar to us, they are very aggressive to other chimps not from there group, murdering them on site and they are not religious. most wars if not all could be talked out over a table and eventually are in the long run anyway meaning that humans as a species are quite happy to die for territory or because they like fighting.


I guess my question is this - are there some people who are so limited, that 'religion' is truly the only way they can absorb morality?

If that is the case, then sure, there is a place for it.

Just a thought...


Perhaps that idea comes from observing oppressive Communist governments that ban religion, so they think it must be bad to have no beliefs.

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