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I’ve decided to volunteer for the holidays. I’ll be helping with dinners. I do volunteering throughout the year., but have never on the holidays. I like to spend the times with my family too.

What do you do for holidays?

Annaleda 8 Nov 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Just the same as everyday... spend it with family.


pretty much the same thing I do any other day


it will make you feel better, especially the homeless. some don't have a family or even a place to go.

I’ve been homeless for three years. I lost almost everything when my back broke and I became disabled. I live in an 12x8 Rv with my three dogs. Yay for BLM!


I only observe two holidays. July fourth because I'm an American. November 11th because I'm a veteran. I have NO other holidays.


You're awesome. I usually spend the holidays trying to not be more depressed than normal.


I try to keep the holidays pretty quiet, but I respect that you're taking time out for others. I find too much activity around the holidays is overstimulating and exhausting — my introversion takes over pretty hard.

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