There seems to be a lot of misunderstanding regarding money. To break it down into its simplest form, we must go back to the caveman days. If a man hunted his own food and made a kill, shouldn't that food belong to him by the efforts he made? Along comes another man, incapable of hunting, and kills or assaults the man and steals his food. This is called the "leech". In modern day, if you hunt you our own food while others are incapable, they justify the behavior by saying, but such and such cannot even walk, so you must share the food or go to prison. These are the same people who are incapable of hunting. Therein lies the problem! You cannot force a man to go hunting for the food. Taxation is theft. You cannot force the businesses to produce either. The hunter can protest and say, let us all starve, then. If you are going to steal my food anyway, why should I hunt? So, the government tries to compromise by saying, ok we will only take 20 percent of the food, you can keep 80 percent. Nobody is entitled to anything!