I frequently post items in Politics, or Silly, Random Etc, or elsewhere.... and when I respond to someone's comment I see that the post has been moved to General & Hellos. Is this a bug in the system, or are mods moving my posts around? In either case, what is the reason?
Because the Great Mod in the sky is THE Great Mod that will tolerate no others before him.
He can do what he likes. His universe! You are privileged to drink from his cup!
I haven't noticed posts being moved around in the general forms but I can speculate that it's being done to posts that are either trending or not trending... As for your posts being removed, only you can figure that out... Do you get an email notification from admin when your post is removed? If not, then a mod removed the post from a member hosted group...
Never noticed one being removed, just moved from one category to another. It seems like after a couple days everything is moved automatically into "General" if it's not in a specific group, but I'm not sure.
@Paul4747 ah... I must've misread the removed part.. sorry