A disability or stigma that is visible often times gets treated very differently than a psychological disability. Do you think individuals with psychological disorders should be given accommodations in university settings? Accommodations such as excused absences or additional time for assignments and exams due to a flair up of their symptoms? For example an individual with chronic depression may have cognitive impairment, low appetite, low energy and so forth. How can they be expected to perform as well as they would without their symptoms being present?
If you got the money, they got the time and space. Take a year inbetween study to study and see how long you dwell on your condition.
No! Treatment first and foremost. They are often master manipulators anyway and will likely fail in society and/or social situations and relationships. It is pointless to allow them special favors which ultimately does more harm than good. This from over 20 years experience from dealing with a Borderline Disordered woman.
Perhaps the bpd woman you know manipulates. Where else are you getting " they often manipulate" from?
From studying the subject extensively and listening to qualified professionals. I'm not talking mild symptoms, but clinic cluster B personality disorders according to the diagnostic and statistical manuals IV/V