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Can a Christian and a agnostic have a good compatible relationship?

Scorpio85 3 Mar 16

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As long as there is open communication about it and you both respect each other. Then YES it can work

We hardly ever communicate to each and when it comes to religion I get very ? and pissed off and just sit in my man cave (the garage) and just wanna be alone.


Not when they use the incorrect indefinite article of a noun.


Depends. If the Christian is a liberal Unitarian or Lutheran it might work.

She’s a Democrat


Depends how hardcore each individuel is I guess


No reason why not, till death us do part etc. But realise that at death they must part, one goes to heaven and the other purgatory or burns in hell.


It's possible. I think if the Christian is open to being with an Atheist or Agnostic, and try not pushing religion on them. They may have other interests that they both enjoy.

Just wondering this is me and my other half who is a Christian I’m on the left who is the agnostic

@sc00bydoo85 If I didn't know and had to pick, I would of guessed you as the agnostic

@Rudy1962 Yeap I’m the agnostic one, my other half is the Christian.

@sc00bydoo85 Awesome! Love is blind.

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