Since we arent willing to take on our owners, i mean, corporate big pharma, what can we do to reduce their power? Surprise, its less regulation. Funny how that works.
No. !...No advertising. If you can't buy it over the counter it shouldn't be advertised. People take whatever their doctors prescribe anyway.
No. 2...Our anti-trust laws have not been enforced in decades. I don't believe that will change anytime soon.
No. 3...Many new drugs like pain killers are bullshit. There has been no pain killer improvement that has been necessary in our lifetime. They only change it when the ones they had went generic. It doesn't cost shit to change a pain killer formula and get a knew patent.
No.4...It cannot possibly cost 2.6 billion dollars to develop every new drug, of which the government foots most of the bill in the early stages of that development.
Basically, they are fucking us without fore play or lubricant.
Libertarians for sure won't unite with socialist trash!