I really wish this was satire....
No wonder my vegeburger at Burger King tasted better than usual. Love the thought of being a Soulless Creature.
If it’s msking me a soulless creature it means I’m not yet. Ergo, where is this thing that is running scared of vegeburgers and probably a hint of broccoli?
There is a petty, dark, vindictive piece of my personality that wants to wish this ass clown a hint of what I go through if I even have food cross contaminated w/beef grease or juice/blood, little alone if I eat actual beef. Last time I accidentally ingested beef (a restaurant screw up w/moussaka) , I missed 2 days of work because I could not straighten out of a fetal position except to purge my system.
Then add to that gluten intolerance (I can't afford the $25k out of pocket even w/my insurance on top of the missed work time for the diagnosis of actual celiacs)...impossible burgers allow me to have burgers again & they are pretty damn tasty.
Simple blood test should confirm celiac
@bobwjr a simple blood test will say whether or not you have the antibodies & proteins which then open the door to more invasive procedures.. when this all started for me, that was not available. At the time, in order to confirm celiacs, a biopsy of intestinal lining was required &, during the whole, long, drawn out ordeal, I would have to continue to ingest gluten. The side effects were, literally, killing me.
Before the invasive procedure could be done, everything else had to be ruled out. So, until I got a severe case of the fuckits, I lost 7 days of work & $5,000 out of pocket expense to rule out diabetes, adrenal failure, cortisol issues, & allergy testing that covered my back & arms with pin prices of irritants.
In the mean time, I had episodes of plunging blood pressure, passing out no matter what I was doing, vitamin deficiencies, etc. I stumbled over a list that include all my symptoms plus things I just attributed to my age (arthritis, inability to lose weight, skin rashes/allergies, etc). With a month of cutting gluten, I was doing so much better.
I don't need a definitive diagnosis to know that if I have gluten, w/in 20 minutes, I am not going to be in an upright position & for the next 3 months, I will suffer all the old aches & pains. I just avoid it & that way, I don't have to find a safe place to park, text people where I am & what's happening, & lock myself inside my vehicle before I pass out.
I was laughing, until I saw that 90k people are following TruNews [facebook.com] and now I am just terrified.
That is why I often take things posted here and post them on Facebook. I want ot counter the ignorance.
Meatless burgers are a satanic plot
Monster energy drink has 666 in Hebrew written on it
Barack Obama was the antichrist and so is Trump
Leftists are turning the frogs gay, which explains a lot about the French
Civil rights are a commie plot
and Alex Jones is the 9th incarnation of the buddha sent to spread discord which is why the God Zuckerburg struck him down!