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Do you. strugle with your weight?

I have some health issues, and they are life style in origin. I weighed 204 pounds two monts ago, and today I weigh 190. Slowly but surely I will get healthy again🙂

Leutrelle 7 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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What's your diet?
I was 150 kilograms, changed my diet, 85 kg currently. No medications.

I have mostly cut down on the carbs, and was walking until winter returned with a vengeance.


I weighed 200 when my wife died. Once I had control of the shopping cart I simply stopped buying snack foods. Now I go into the kitchen looking for a snack. The only convenience food in the kitchen is kimchi, It does not take much kimchi to satisfy my cravings. I was down to 168 in the fall, I am now up to 178 but expect the warm weather and outdoor activities should take care of that minor issue. I will be riding the bike 25 miles round trip to the hiking club meetup, that's 1/4th pound of fat right there.

That is great, and my target weight is 165.


Seems as you get older it’s harder to loose weight. My weight generally fluctuates between 200 and 220 but ideally I should probably be at 180.


I’ve gained a tremendous amount of weight due to anxiety and depression meds. The meds help in one area to save my life but the side effects lead to diseases that can lead to death. Side effects are awful.

I have heard of weight gain as a side effect, It could be part of my weight problem.


Applause to you! Keep up the good work.


Yes. Something I have to always think about


I was way over 325lb I’m not sure how far I’ve in the past 2 months I haven able to get bellow 300. Still working on it. I have a lot of health issues to because of my weight but they are getting better.

I am rooting for you. I found cutting carbs has worked for me, and walking for exercise when the road is not cover with ice.

@Leutrelle I have given up all soda diet or sweet. No big slow animals only fast small ones. I do allow my self a cheat ones or twice a month and eat a small stake. And no vegetables that grow under ground like potatoes. Been working for me so far. I’ll be rooting for you too

@Donto101 I don't eat much meat, dairy, or potatoes. I really hate broccoli. I would love to get a good burger, fries, and a banana milk shake🙂

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