I would love to visit or move to a country where the majority of people are atheist. I think i was reading something about Sweden or some European country that is more than half atheist or agnostic. Has anyone ever travelled to a country or community like this? How was it?
Move to China [independent.co.uk] but you don't need to uproot and relocate just to live in an atheist community. Move to a progressive state, progressive country and connect to atheist, like-minded people. That will give you the most of what you are looking for instead of having to deal with a host of new issues such as - new culture, new rules, new laws, immigration, new languages, new weather, new food and so on....
Visit first. Then move if you want to, but the world has five habitable continents, no one who can, should not see a little of all of them, and when you do travel aboard, the place you will learn most about is the place you come from.
I like that!
UK is a country that is more than half atheist or agnostic.
I've been to Canada, it's pretty cool. Not many churches or religious babble at all.
Garrison Keillor moved to Denmark for a while and his Danish bride....maybe he is back there now being banned by false MeToo accusors last year ....he mostly tells Unitarian Atheist jokes in his past Prairie Home Companion shows where he responded how many scores of times women felt up his leg during live radio show broadcasts....London is officially over 50% Atheist but the kings&queens of Europe still have government owned almost empty churches