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Age Groups of Millennials

If you are agnostic or atheist please choose your age group.

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Grecio 7 Aug 4

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Most of the people I have met that identify as atheist are in the older are range. I am atheist there is no doubt in my mind that there is no god.


This site seems to lean older, so your results will be skewed. I was always without belief in a sky daddy type of god.


Why did you ask this question?

At age 13, I became an atheist when I realized the Bible is just a book of stories written by men.

I chose rational thinking, not magical beliefs.


I would think most agnostics are young. I wonder how young? I am not sure whether this information means anything.

@Allamanda, Of course, the poll is not Scientific. I guess it's only an indication of ages for people that look at the question. That's a good point you made, I think. PEW research might be the best place to look that I know of, and the results here are curious at best.

@Allamanda Point taken again. I agree that the poll isn't worth much. What might be interesting is what affects the poll? What age groups use computers (or phones) Which parts of the world have access to Abetter poll might be "In which country do you live"?I guess the agnostics here aren't a random selection from the world or even the USA.

@Allamanda Have you ever wondered why most of the wealth in the world is above the equator?

@Allamanda No, I'll let you have this one, my friend.

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