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Beto O'Rourke says Trump to blame for El Paso shooting because he 'stokes racism'

I agree with Beto O'Rouke.


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 4

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Trump has the mentality of a twelve year boy. It's great to stir things up and be the head bully with everybody around him cheering for him. But unsure what to do when some idiot takes things too far and he (Trump) gets caught by teacher.
In his heart, he is sorry, but cannot find a solution without him upsetting the other bullies who he needs to support him oppressing the nerds and wheezy kids. So he says sorry and distances himself from the problem and promises to do something about it but never does.
Soon he'll come out bullying the nerds, wheezy kids and 'coloureds' again.
Can I say 'coloureds'? I used it to illustrate a point, not insult. We can't say coloured in the UK.


I agree completely. He plays people against each other.


Is there not laws about encouraging haight and the consequences?


Did you mean "hate"?



Beto is a demagogue.

zesty Level 7 Aug 4, 2019

So my friend you are a lone voice in the wilderness. Cumulative behavior over the last 2 1/2 years leaves no doubt that your President is a racist. The incredibly sharp rise in hate crimes since Trump took office is also is clear evidence that the racist elements in our society feel emboldened to come out of the shadows. The president sets the tone for the nation and motivates the direction the nation travels. Trump's rhetoric fuels this racial element to act out.

To deny this is to either desire to play devil's advocate to get reactions out of members. Or a deeper denial that speaks to the lesser angel's (use the term loosely) in ourselves. I hope it's the former, not the latet.


Well that is a no brainer.


Kind of hard not to agree with this...


No shit

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