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There is a reason the state is shaped like a dick.


Fear and cowardice continue to rear their heads over and over.


What is happening to America??


I used to live in Florida . 3 yrs in Tampa bay and one in Miami .
Not impressed . Flip flops , beer , ignorance , and glorious abcense of sophistication . And a lots of older people who were praising Jesus . And the Jewish books .
When I left Florida I felt like breathing again .


If they want their kids to have a religious education they can send them to private schools, there is a reason for separation of church and state.

MizJ Level 8 Aug 5, 2019

..... my theory is that he is, in fact, a religious twit. This theory is irrefutable.


Tuck is an idiot. I thought we were past the time when any educated person would take such an ignorant stance.

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