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Man in body armor and armed with rifle sparks panic at Missouri Walmart

The man in his 20s dressed in body armor and fatigues was reportedly walking around with a rifle and recording video. Though there was no shooting, it caused a panic days after two mass shootings.

The Walmart manager pulled a fire alarm and told customers to evacuate immediately. People ran screaming from the store. "There's a shooter!"

The armed man was detained at gunpoint by an off-duty firefighter.

"I am still shaking," Tammy Lea told KYTV. "It is just terrifying."

"He is lucky he's alive still considering the situation he created," a police official said.

Shocking bad judgment. Is he a copycat white terrorist?


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 9

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These guys with guns are causing more terror responses in USA than the ISIS cells. Panic amongst the civilians. They must be pleased that White America is doing their job for them!

Interesting that no correlation has been made yet.

The intimation is enough to cause fear. No need for them to do anything now. The people have done it themselves.

Well, ain’t that jus’ Yankee Doodle Dandy, That ‘Ole Man River, He just keep rollin’ along!

Good luck with the future!


BOBdammit! Let me count the ways I miss rednecks... That was easy... None at all. It's a perennial IQ display when people start carrying rifles and paint their trucks in camo, dress in bright orange camo, spend 2000$ to camouflage their camouflage...


He exercised his legal right to open carry. Just like the good old days of slavery and westward expansion, when carrying firearms was necessary to murder indigenous peoples and runaway slaves. Our lax gun laws are the continuation of our nation’s legacy of white supremacy.

Once upon a time, I would have vigorously agreed. Now that the police and military are the ones that want to have that monopoly, I worry very much.

@Holysocks now we have the military, the police, and armed citizen supremacists.

Which is why I fear them. I haven't been guilty of a crime since the 90's, but they have found me guilty of something by gunpoint because they were bored and I happened to be out of state. Multiple times.


Neither. He was and idiot doing a publicity stunt. When confronted outside he smiled and put his gun down and arms up.

Unfortunately, Missouri is an open carry state so he will probably not be charged with anything.

@Bobsuruncle updated news. It appears they will be charging him with something: []


If he were other than white, he would not still be alive.


The other part of this incident:


Are you calling me an "anti-gun wingnut with my head in the sand"? My middle finger is twitching.

The off-duty fireman didn't stop anyone. He apparently didn't act until the manager had enough time to be notified and go pull the fire alarm. All he did was raise the tension in an already tense situation by adding another weapon.
As has been stated many times, they're very lucky not to have been shot.

Additional update:
Apparently it's illegal in Missouri to use a gun in a threatening manner. Will the off-duty fireman be charged? (for being a fool maybe?)

Nah... I'd never call you anything disparaging.
Again, one never knows the real story unless you witness the event with your own eyes. Plenty of interpretations to feed both our mythologies.

I live in the Springfield area so it was all over the news. The "good guy with a gun" didn't stop anyone. He approached the man outside Walmart, and essentially told him to put his hands up. The gunman smiled (I saw the video) and complied. This idiot (gunman) went in the front door and walked out the back door. I seriously doubt the gun even had any bullets in it.

As I mentioned, Missouri is an open carry state. Being in riot gear carrying as assault weapon isn't against the law. Unless he verbally threatened someone, or pointed the gun at someone, he can't be charged with anything.


A shockingly stupid and selfish person. Like Bob says, I think he would've started shooting immediately if that was his intent. He's very lucky he wasn't shot. His little attention getting skit also traumatized a bunch of people. Hopefully he will be locked up and his guns taken away.


Trump's people. God love em'.


I'm glad to not know whether he is terrorist. Most of the ways I can think of to find out are unpleasant bordering on horrific.
He is apparently stupid enough to qualify for some serious consequences and I hope they come.

Addition: I was reading a news story of this that included this note:

Missouri allows open carry of firearms, with a critical exception: It’s illegal to display a firearm in an “angry or threatening manner.” Does walking into a store in a chain that’s recently experienced a mass shooting carrying the equipment for a mass shooting count as threatening?

Boy! I'd sure say so!!!

@RichCC I watched an interview with a political analyst last night. His belief is that he can't be charged with anything unless he verbally threatened someone or pointed the gun at someone. Being in full riot gear with an assault weapon apparently isn't menacing enough.


A true mentally deranged case. Unlike the brainwashed, gung-ho gun toters intent on proving their cause. Both categories should be banned from owning anything more lethal that a plastic toy powered by a rubber band.


WOW ,what an idiot ,Yes he is lucky he was not shot by some one


He was evidently harmless otherwise he would have used his weapon

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