I've watched this TED Talk several times now. Thought I would share here. I think he makes a few really solid points. Would love to hear what others think.
(This is really the first forum I've been able to openly share these sorts of things. So happy to be here!)
I can't disagree with his broader point, but when I consider the details, to take advantage of the religious for profit in your chosen industry seems ugly to me. As capitalism does.
Sigh. I think I'm living in the wrong country. Maybe I'm on the wrong planet.
Seems a bit sleezy when you point it out like that. Your right. I didn't initially see it the same way, although, I wasn't sure exactly what he was implying when he brought up travel...
Like most of these talks, I take out the parts I like and see if or how they work with my morals etc. Which, I think, is sort of what he's suggesting the secular community should do with religion, or what I thought he was...
Glad you like the site. I can hardly ever express myself either outside of this site.
Ya. I mean, I have my friends too, many, are atheist or at lease skeptics, but it's so nice to get new idea and new points of view.
Other social media seems to always be swayed against the skeptical thinkers. Always have to look out for the 'God Squad' and their comments of going to hell or being prayed for.
It's nice to not have to worry about that. Ya know?