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LINK Jimmy Carter: US 'lost its place' as human rights leader - CNNPolitics

I think the U.S. lost its place as THE leader in human rights quite a while back. Since Reagan, every republican president has had policies that reduced human rights in the U.S.

snytiger6 9 Aug 10

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Most Republicans it's just a tad. In trumps case is hell of a lot and sadly more to come if he is not stopped.


He is right on. To my dying day I will argue that Carter was the most honest and moral President in my lifetime.

Yeah, Carter ws very under rated. If we stayed on his energy plan, today, about 40% of oru energy needs would be grom renewable energy sources. If the Reagan campaign hadn't made a deal with iran to hold hte hostages until the inaguration, our country would look a lot different today.

i lost hope for the american ppl when then chose reagan over him. a horrible mistake that they'll never recover from.

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