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Universal Pictures cancels release of movie "The Hunt" after presidential tweetstorm

Finally! A major movie company grew a conscience, even temporarily. Hell froze over.

"The film features coastal elites hunting “deplorables” for sport.

"Previously, Universal put a temporary halt on marketing for the film following a series of mass shootings. In the film’s few marketing materials that did air, stars such as Betty Gilpin and Ike Barinholtz could be seen brandishing assault rifles and pistols while taking on a group of would-be hunters.

Other cast members included Hilary Swank, Emma Roberts, Ethan Suplee and Justin Hartley.

The last straw seems to have been an angry Twitter thread from Donald Trump on Friday, in which he alleged that Hollywood “is Racist at the highest level” and that The Hunt was “made in order to inflame and cause chaos.”



LiterateHiker 9 Aug 11

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I wish that son of bitch would get off twitter and do his job. Providing he know how to.


I'll be moving to either Canada or Sweden when the U.S. becomes Gilead from "The Handmaid's Tale".

People here are such fucking pussies that complain about everything. Let's just ban all movies that have any hint of something someone doesn't like or deems to be offensive or violent or whatever the fuck they want to claim.


Cowards. You went through the entire process of making a movie and at the very end got cold feet. What a bunch of jackasses.


I have an idea for a biography examining the life of the 45th president. I call it -- TRUMP!: How a fat, useless, ignorant, hateful, racist, corrupt, lazy, stupid fucking moron became a President

It'll share the bill with a two hour loop of a bird shitting on a guy's head. Bring the family!


I still fail to see the entertainment value of that type of movie. That so much time, energy and money go into something that unpleasant and that it's considered entertainment, has always puzzled me. Do we have that deep a need for violence? I guess that's a question for another post....


Ever see 'The Purge'?

I imagine that's the one film he can back.

This film should now make far more money when released.

In no way is this plot any worse or better than that of 'The Purge' and presidents shouldn't be tweeting about a movie yet to be released. More shades of evil dictatorship.

BTW more than one Purge movie has been in theatres. Apparently citizens going on rampages to kill each other is just fine in this twatapotamuses book.

Fuck him.




In stead of cancelling the movie, they should cancel Fox "news" - the only addictive drug that is administered electronically.


Every single time one of these types of movies is released, it's always the same.
Humans hunting other humans. How is it any different from a fucking war movie?
The ONLY difference this time is that the targets are conservative republican trumptards, and they've got their panties in a bunch over it. Fucking snowflakes.

I think it's cowardly not to release the movie.
Who gives flying rat's ass what anyone thinks of Hollywood?
They are nothing more than a reflection of this country.
It doesn't matter that the conservatives call them names.
Doesn't matter if they're liberals, jews, or whatthefuckever.
There is hardly a one of them who've gone broke overestimating the stupidity
of the American consumer.
Release the movie, if it tanks, the conservatives can gloat.
Then, put out another Star Wars that sucks and collect the money from the morons.
Seriously, who gives a fuck? LOL

Well typed! It's another wad of cash spent on a film produced by people that have run out of ideas.

@Holysocks That wasn't my point at all.
In all actuality, it's a good idea. It's wish fulfillment for a whole lot of people.
It's not likely to make much money, IF it's ever released.
My point was that just because 45 and the trumptards have an issue with it, doesn't make it wrong on that particular level.
"Surviving the Game" was released in 1994 (I think). I don't recall there being anywhere near the level of "outrage" in relation to that one.

People need to quit blaming "Hollywood" for everything.
It's stupid.


I'm pretty sure any movie is made to make money. When this one is released, this free advertising will ensure a nice profit for Universal.


sounds like a good call


Running scared 😨

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 11, 2019
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