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If it's being used to fight illegal activity, what's the problem? They SHOULD be doing that.

The Pentagon is NOT the agency that should be enforcing laws within our borders . . . Check the Constitution. This is an over-extension of power, and, not only that, it is not a Constitutional power in the first place. Why should it bother you? Because it it the Pentagon running the show . . . . the military . . . . the military, which has no authorization to interfere in government. Their job is defending the nation, not running it.


Very disturbing. We need more high altitude fighting birds.


People who think the Government is really interested in their day to day lives are fucking delusional. They couldn't even build enough computers to process the information. The thing the govt. cares about when it comes to the average citizen is that you pay your taxes. Your life is not that interesting.

It is not about watching individuals . . . . it is about control.

@Archeus_Lore Control of what? They are in control. That is what government is, always has been, and always will be, EVERYWHERE on the planet and has been for thousands of years.

So you think they have no interest whatsoever in what happens on the civilian side of things? For that reason, they are not creating surveillance balloons over the USA, it is all fake news, right?

@Archeus_Lore They don't give a fuck what you do. We are like ants to those folks. They just want their taxes so they can continue to function. The federal government doesn't care about minnows. They go after the big fish, and the big schools of fish.I used to smoke dope with two DEA agents in Austin in the 70's. I learned quite a bit from those guys.

They do not give a fuck what you do until you become a threat to their agenda or their power. That does not mean that they are watching everyone, but it could easily mean they watch individuals. They are not putting this shit up in the sky for the fun of it.

@Archeus_Lore I'm not a threat to the government. So I'm really not worried. Are you a threat to the government? If not, what the hell are you worried about? If you are I hope they catch you. I don't want the government taken down. I want it to change in some ways, but I don't want it destroyed. We would just get another one or maybe several in different regions. That would really be bad. All governments suck. Unfortunately humanity sucks even more, making governments a necessity.

Was Snowden a threat to the government? Of course he was . . . . was the government wrong? Of course it was! And still is. That is exactly what this is about. Was Assange or Manning a threat to the government? Of course they were . . . and how many people would know what the government was up to, if they had not told us? Regardless of what you say, we are still responsible for what our government is doing, unless of course, you love your chains, you love watching innocent people being killed abroad by an out-of-control military industrial complex that is fighting wars for profit, using white phosphorous, depleted uranium, coups, creating refugees, and completely disregarding international laws . . . . fuck yea, I oppose that.
"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." -Declaration of Independence

@Archeus_Lore You are incredibly naive for someone who has been around so long. Governments always have and always will do whatever the feel they need to to protect themselves. This utopian world you envision will never happen. Humanity isn't built that way, never has been and never will be. Dream on.

You are a sheep then.

@Archeus_Lore Not a sheep,and I'm not an idiot. I have lived all but about fifteen years of my life living just on the edge of society. You have no fucking idea who I am. You live in some hippy trippy world that does not, never has, and never will exist. Maybe if something catastrophic happens and most of the folks on this planet die and we become small tribes again it could happen, but in the end the strong and the ruthless will take charge again. The sociopaths like trump, hitler, stalin, and the list goes on, will pop up and fuck it up for everyone. Since most people are sheep they will always get followers. I am a realist. You are a dreamer. Dreaming is fine, but I gave that up a long time ago.

“If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” Samuel Adams

@Archeus_Lore Too late for that sentiment. You say a lot and say nothing. Give me your plan and how it will be implemented. After all you are talking about changing the entire world.

Here is my plan . . . . hope you like it . . . !!!

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