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Would you as an agnostic or atheist marry a Christian?

I've met a very beautiful woman on line. She and I share many common likes and dislikes, but she is Christian.

Would you personally pursue such a relationship? Why or why not?

AstralSmoke 8 Aug 13

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I did 53 years ago. I married the person, not her religion and she understood that. Over the years, she has lost most of her faith, mostly due to seeing how Christians treated me and how they treat each other. I, of course, still think religion is superstition.

TWDay Level 4 May 13, 2020

You are probably one of the few that have the endurance necessary.


It'll never work for me, and I'm speaking from experience. The only thing that came out of it was resentment. And maybe contempt. We were together for 7 years. As god is dead to me, so is marriage.


I'm married to a Christian, but that's because I was a Christian when we got married. I definitely would not have dated a non-Christian back then, and I would not have dated a believer if I weren't one myself.

If I were suddenly widowed, I would not seek out anybody, but if I were to do so, I would find someone who identified as either agnostic or atheist, maybe even a deist, but not a theist.

I expect similar values, not just same likes and dislikes.


I personally wouldn't enter into a dating situation with a known religous person, the misogyny and ownership men assume over women in the abrahamic religions is frightening. I also hate church, most everything associated with going to and being in a church and I'm sure I would never shut up about my distaste for religion. I could be with someone involved in something like wicca or spirituality but if one more person claims I'm not compatible because I'm a Gemini I'll scream. I am all about satanists but that's just atheism in cool clothes.


I spent ten years with a Christian woman. We are not together now, but not because she is a Christian. She never said anything that expressed, implicitly or explicitly, that she was better than me or more aware than me because she is a Christian and I am not. I must say, however, that she is one of the very few Christians who has never expressed this in one way or another. The overwhelming majority of them come at you with a "I've found something that you haven't" or "I'm aware of something that you aren't" attitude that I cannot abide.


Believers sometimes see us as less than themselves. F%ck that, we are equals or nothing.

MizJ Level 8 Nov 19, 2019

My ex was such a woman and I was a borderline believer when we married. During the marriage and during our "church going days" counciling helped us sometimes. By the time we split up I was a non-believer and she admitted she could see what I was talking about but remained a believer herself. Counciling does not always go in favor of your marriage however. It did in our case.

Marrying a believer is not a problem IF they do not go to an Evangelical group. If they do, this can turn on you as the other one cries and pleads for you to accept an invisible man who can prevent an invisible part of you from burning in an imaginary place forever, and this happening after you die. In this last senario you will have no peace and be hounded forever until you give in or both of you are driven apart.

Good luck.

Words to the wise.


Nope. Uh-uh. No way.

You seem a bit unsure.


It would depend how Christian the believer. If they go to church on holidays but really aren’t otherwise very invested I my pursue. But if they’re unable to keep it to their self and want to evangelize etc no way. If they are unable to make decisions without praying for guidance I’d also steer clear because that would get old real fast.

Cinco Level 5 Oct 3, 2019

No way. And it isn't the belief in a god that would stop me. It's their belief that I am going to burn in hell. If they believe in hell, it is likely they think I'll be going there for my lack of belief. Why would they want to date/marry someone that is (in their mind) going to hell? Maybe because they think I'll change and find my way to Jesus? No thank you.


if Iove her,then I don't care even if she comes from the darkside of the moon,just let her know that you love her, every day.


I’m not a big fan of marriage to begin with, but no, i wouldn’t date someone in an organized religion. i’d be a bit more open to dating someone “spiritual” but not religious, but it would still be iffy. i don’t believe that someone can love me, genuinely believe i’m going to hell, and not want to “save” me. and i have enough baggage from growing up with that bs. i don’t have to agree with my partner on everything, but it’s a completely different way of seeing the world that would make things too difficult.


Pass. Even if they can deal w/ you not being religious, they still have friends & family who likely can't.


I'm planning to date an athiest.

Me too, but no guarantees. Some of the people on this site make me wonder.


No. That kind of fundamental difference will eventually lead to friction. If she is dating you it is likely she thinks she can convert you. if you do not convert over the next couple of years, it is likely to turn ugly. If you have kids by then, even worse.


Fling with a christian girl? Sure.

Long-term relationship with her? Dodgy - that would almost guarantee an on-going undercurrent of disagreement.


No thank you!! One: I have no desire to marry again (once was enough, but there are other options!), and Two: the differences in beliefs would be incredibly difficult!


What got me was the the World View the Christian culture bestows on its followers. There is a devil, demons and such. Don't get me started on the NOTW and the scourge of homosexuals on the world... I can tolerate someone being wrong. I can not live with it day in and day. Parenting, was very difficult and still is.

There is no devil, it's just God when He's drunk.


If an individual can not fall in love with someone because they believe in a god and the Christian in question is not obsessed with religion then they are close minded and psychologically impaired . There are many more important aspects of a persons personality that should be considered .The individuals that had bad experiences obviously had other issues that led to the failure of the relationship and probably did not truly love their partner.

I understand what you're saying and I believe the line 'the Christian is not obsessed with religion' is the magic line.


That’s rough, but manageable. I would just make my views clear and set boundaries. Otherwise, no big deal.


It depends on so much.. i know faithful that i get along better with than some so called spiritual agnostics.
Can you agree to disagree on certain things?

Possibly, but it took me so long to pull myself out of Christianity, I can't see going back.

@AstralSmoke if you think it will "pull you back" then maybe you shouldnt.
That would be like an ex alcoholic dating an active drug user..

@hippydog It wouldn't, but why put myself through the preaching everyday?

@AstralSmoke if your dating anyone, they should support your right to your beliefs.. i would definitely not date anyone that tried to convert me.

@hippydog She turned out to be a bit shady, anyway. I wasn't looking for anyone. She found me. That sent up red flags and perhaps my defense mechanisms kicked in. Onward and upward!


Of course you should continue a relationship
Long step between 'pursue a relationship' and 'marriage'.

I don't think I want to waste my time. Just thought it'd be an interesting question to post.


No, don't think so. Been married forty nine years to an agnostic turned atheist. Think that is one of the commonality with us, that and we are accepting and supporting of each others personality.


Because we all have huge numbers of possible people to marry, so this would be j7st another filter?


I did, and we are still married 23 years later. We each respect the other's right to believe as we choose, and we treat each other with caring and respect. It works.

I was waiting on your reply. Thanks.

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