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Tea Party Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh Apologizes for Helping Elect "Unfit Con Man" Trump

"Former Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.), the conservative talk-show host and prominent “tea party” figure, on Wednesday called President Donald Trump an “unfit conman” and a “racial arsonist” and urged a primary challenge for the Republican nomination next year.

"Walsh also apologized both for his own heated rhetoric over the years and for helping to elect Trump in 2016."


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 15

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That can not be the Joe Walsh I am thinking of


WOW, a republican with balls.


Hilarious! I was torn between the laugh symbol and heart. Love won.

I love your reply.

@LiterateHiker I was hoping there might be one out there somewhere.


It would be interesting if the Republicans has some challengers to him


I wish he was not the only one. Unfortunately there are way too many who only think about the dollar in their own pockets.


It's good more and more people have seen the light. Kudos to the man to admit he was wrong and trying to make up for past mistakes.

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