George Carlin because he's amazing.
George Carlin is the one most mentioned here. I’ll watch him on youtube ????????
@GoodMan look up When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops. It's a good book.
@sparklemuffin Will do thanks
Louis C.K. because he somehow makes "taboo" jokes inoffensive, and Sarah Silverman because of the pure randomness.
?? Sarah Silverman . Don’t know Louis CK
Lewis Black because he is the personification of my anger (and literally in Inside Out lol).
Really, “The personification of your anger.” Woosaw ????
It's a tie between Richard Pryor (Later Years) and George W. Bush (Presidency Years) Richard because he could take a serious subject and spin it in such a way where I would laugh so hard it hurt. And George because he was such a bungling nitwit, that I was forced to either laugh or cry and I chose laughter.
Pryor was awesome. One of my favorite current comedians, Paul Mooney, write a lot of Pryor's stuff. Haha, GWB was quite a character.
I'm a big fan of Dave Chappell, I loved his Netflix stand up after being away so long, his take on life just cracks me up
I have two favs, Jim Jefferies and Stephen Lynch.
Louis CK, because...well, I think like him, or at least the "him" he portrays on stage. His "why would anything nice happen?" thing is how I talk in my head. I know, it's sad. Richard Pryor, because when I was a kid I used to have to sneak around to watch/listen to him and it was great fun. Steve Martin, because he's super smart IRL but he always does the most goofball stuff ever, also nostalgia factor from growing up with his movies and specials.
Not familiar with Louis CK, but I love Pryor and Martin.
Oliver is amazing, i do really like Sarah Silverman she is amazing.
Dave Chapelle, Gabriel Iglesiasm, Louis CK,Jim Jeffries, so many good comedians.