6 3

Yeah! Stupid laws and commandments and junk. Geezus these people are morons.

Jaye 5 Mar 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm confused. Is this supposed to be that tired argument against gun control, against laws in general - especially commandments - or a celebration of evil's tenacity & maverick-style rebellious nature?

Godot Level 7 Mar 19, 2018



Are the baptists on one side of the duplex different from the ones on the other side?


Seems to me the 'evil' ones are the ones making the laws

Hutch Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

'But my church is better than yours!'


Dogma and edicts arent made to make sense. Keeping the faithful confused and unable to rally is essential to all faiths. That way the powers who control the faithful can keep moving the goal line and thusly keep themselves in power.


I think the only law or commandment from teh bible which I eever took to heart was "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

I leanred in college, in my sociology calsses, that the primary thing that keeps people from doing wrong, is not fear of punishment, but actually a fear of what the peopeleyou love and cre aout will think of you. The liklihood of a person harmign another depends on the acceptability of that action among yourpeers and loved ones.

What you learned is the law of tribalism. People are going to do what people do, regardless of what laws are passed. It is the sanctions placed on us by our peer group (friends and family) that have the greatest impact on behavior.

@SACatWalker - LOL I know! But I just think of it as testing my intelligence.

@SACatWalker I won't say anything about the irony in that statement.

@SACatWalker perhaps he's dyslexic? I don't know, just a guess.

@SACatWalker, I'm a very poor typist, just a skill never fully acquired, but I'm an excellent speller. So, sometimes it takes me much longer than it should to flesh out comments. I mentioned dyslexia because I've known several people afflicted with it, and spelling is often difficult for them.

@SACatWalker I agree wholeheartedly. It is annoying to me at times, especially when so poorly executed as to render whatever the writer intended meaningless. I taught a Business Writing course when I was working, and spelling was, of course, always emphasized. I was surprised at how many managers, even in such a high-tech industry as aerospace, we're poor speller.

@Condor5 I guess you might call it "tribalism". Sociology itself is the study of how the groups people belong to influence their behaviors, so it would ihnclude tribalism, but woudl go further to study groups within the tribes as well.

@Condor5 I'm not so much a poor speller, as I am half blind, and due to an auto immune disorder I seem to also have had a loss of my dexterity which has made my typing noticeably worse over the last couple years.. I usually do look over what I type and correct as many errors s I see, but I must have neglected to do that above, although after reading comments I went back over it and I think I corrected most of it.

@snytiger6, first off, if anything I said offended you, I apologize, that was not my intent in any way. I know there can be a myriad of reasons for any given behavior a person may exhibit. When I spoke of my frustration, it was primarily in reference to text which has been rendered virtually indecipherable by misspellings that can literally change the intended meaning of a message. I saw this in my work, and it was particularly bothersome for the reason that in a high-tech industry, such as aerospace, such mistakes can have dire consequences. And, as I mentioned above, I saw such mistakes even in the ranks of management.

Ironically, one of the examples I always showed in my Business Writing class, was the Columbia University study paragraph in which almost every word was misspelled, yet you could still read the paragraph, and discern it's meaning, quite easily. They explained this as our ability to, essentially, autocorrect as we are reading. Again, if I offended you, I'm sorry. BTW, my college major was Sociology, and I've managed to retain a smidgen.

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