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LINK Trump jokes about giving himself congressional medal of honor

This pisses me off so much had a,friend who won the CMH what he did was insane bravery for this asshole to even joke about giving himself one is a affront to all who served

bobwjr 10 Aug 23

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As Granpa so eloquently stated I am sick of these bullshit posts.


Who the hell cares . I just joined this site because I am interested in interacting with nonbelievers . Why is there so much bullshit aboutTrump here

Good point. I suppose it's because he thinks he IS a god. πŸ˜ƒπŸ€£
Look under browse, topics, and find posts on other themes. I'm sure there is one, somewhere! πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

Try joining this group on the site. It's one of many groups for a specific interest.
Keep diving in, you'll get to like the entire site as much as we do, I hope. Also, of course, start following members whose posts and comments interest you and get alerts whenever they post something new.

Get used to it Granpa . There is a plethora of liberal hogwash here,but if you lived this long I am sure you could put up with the bullshit as you call it

@HarrySlick Right on Harry

He is afflicted with TDS please have pity on him.


This isn’t a joke...he doesn’t do jokes.


Coming from him it is not a joke.

Sadly...he’ll probably do it,


How about I make a joke about obsessed people with Trump on the brain syndrome who pollute a so called non believer site with repetitive boring pitifully nauseating posts and comments about Trump .

Or right wing trump apologist who excuses atrocious behavior that he would have railed against the last President for a fraction of what this guy does I am a vet and any other vet would say the same are you . Most vets have some class which this guy lacks

godlessguy::I have been thinking the same thing lately

godlessguy:I agree ,It’s incredible how obsessed these nut jobs are .

@bobwjr I am also a Vet. I just found some Trampanzees to block. You see, I like to hunt them down and block them.

Because any idiot can see, Trump is a traitor. Understand?

@PondartIncbendog cool

@bobwjr Got yer back sir.

@PondartIncbendog good to know my fellow vets are here

@bobwjrFellow vet great grandpa thinks your post is bullshit

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