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Trump Pushes to Open the World’s Largest Remaining Temperate Rainforest to Logging and Mining

“Politicians have tussled for years over the fate of the Tongass National Forest, a massive stretch of southeastern Alaska replete with old-growth spruce, hemlock and cedar, rivers running with salmon, and dramatic fjords,” according to the Washington Post.

“President Bill Clinton put more than half of it off limits to logging just days before leaving office in 2001, when he barred the construction of roads in 58.5 million acres of undeveloped national forest across the country. President George W. Bush sought to reverse that policy, holding a handful of timber sales in the Tongass before a federal judge reinstated the Clinton rule.”

"If this is a global tipping point on climate change, we have a gang of right-wing populists jumping up and down on the scales."


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Given Trump, that is no surprise.


I agree,,Clinton done the right thing,,it should be enforced forever


Irritating to say the least

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 28, 2019

This is very sad


So upset just hearing this on MSNBC. What a piece of shit he is! I'll be protesting in the near future myself -joined 3 action groups.


A major problem with the political process in countries where great wealth is needed before one can secure high political office, and where even lowly state funded posts are decided by the party in power.

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