29 13

Plant-based "meats" - good for the environment, bad for you

He's right.

"John Mackey, co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods, recently told CNBC that while the plant-based meat is better for the environment, and is more ethical than eating animals, it is made from processed ingredients that aren't healthier than actual meat."

"Some of these that are extremely popular now that are taking the world by storm, if you look at the ingredients, they are super, highly processed foods."

"I don't think eating highly processed foods is healthy. I think people thrive on eating whole foods," he added.

For years, I have cooked at home with whole foods. I avoid processed foods. Disgusting.

Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 Aug 29

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29 comments (26 - 29)

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I try to follow what grandma taught me. Try to avoid all food with a devil's mark. (bar code, devil's talons). The devils mark can be only on packaged processed no-food-food.


Less processed foods the better ,eat next to nothing in processed meat foods,,so many nitrates etc but pure meat it self ,yes to it but in moderation


What I said before, AND the fact that Whole Foods' commitment to the welfare and humane treatment of animals at their farm sources is a BIG LIE!!! So, I wouldn't even listen to anything the CEO says.


Let's see... Budha, Mohammed, Jesus... they all ate Meat... so who am I to argue with a diety diet?

Piss on those 3, they likely never existed. I simply follow God "fight and eat each other" (a joke). The truth. I follow the evolution. I am trying to nibble on 36 kinds of food just as the caveman did when he crawled out of the cave in the morning. I will happily eat Bambi and his daddy and mommy. The truth is that only psychopath can work on a slaughterhouse. Human species is the cruelest in the universe.

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