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Will You Still Love You When You're No Longer Young and Beautiful?

Throughout my life I've seen folks of little substance use their sex appeal and looks to skate through life. Using others or getting a easier "break" because of their outward appearance.

Ironically, they may spend hours in the gym, keeping to a strict diet, and social schedule. Yet all the while, they are starving their character in a shallow wading pool of recycled sound bites and little to no intellectual or emotional intelligence.

I could be wrong, but so far in this version of my current life this seems to be 95% of the NPCs I'm running into now a days.

It is truly sad.

RobertFoley 6 Sep 4

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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I’ve never been beautiful, though I had a few years of cuteness in college.
I went to one high school reunion only, the first one at 10 years. It was so much like school, and so predictable, that it was depressing and sad. The popular, get by on looks and athletic talent crowd were starting to get doses of reality...and feeling the pressure.
I’m just me: that good news/bad news joke: I am pretty much who I say I am. If I look nice, great. If I don’t or can’t, oh well. Life goes on. It’s more important to be a kind and decent person!

@LetzGetReal I am the daughter of a narcissistic mother(DONM); many like me are either overachievers or underachievers. Some are a mixture, which I am. I was both ridiculed and pushed to excel, so I only did well in things -I- cared about. Otherwise, I could give a fuck. The harder she pushed, the more stubborn I was! I hated how superficial and caught up in ‘appearances’ she was.
Not that it’s bad to be beautiful, talented, intelligent...those are all good. I valued being my own person first and foremost, I think.
My brothers had the combo of looks, brains, athletics, and achievements.


Strict diet? ..... Or not making healthy choices? Aren't those the only real choices we have in these times of overabundance of "bad" food? It's a war that's being waged on people. I really don't understand how it's beyond people's grasp to know that. Maybe the "young & beautiful" are simply aware

twill Level 7 Oct 5, 2019

listen to when I'm 64 from Paul McCartney and then just relax, no biggie


Sweetie. .. I am 72...and I Love Love myself because I have tried to be a good person.... without the business of needing a god to survive. 🙂 I like my heart and my whole self now...... I took things for granted when I was young... lol. .. I thought everything would be as it was...didn't think things would change for some reason... .. lol ...Then they did.... darn Daddy died in a plane crash when I was 9....then it seemed I was starting to breathe again...when my Mom got Cancer...2 years later, she was dead...I was 21....... for one year, Did not get out of my room. ....can't remember doing anything except crying..... (wasting my damn time crying ) !!!! Then one day I decided I was going to Mexico ... LONGGGGGGGG story..... I guess I wanted to meet the people that I left at 9 when my Daddy died... another long story.... anyway in 1976 met my Magnificent sons' Dad. ..married him 1980...divorced 1990... I had showed him the door in 1988, when I found out he had women all over...but married one soon after our divorce. In 1988 found out my younger son had Autism. .. ... Lol ... Always knew there was no god...but I finally came to THAT I WAS REALLY ALONE !!! LOL OK... sorry ...I guess TMI...RIGHT ?? THANKS For letting me vent!! Have a Gorgeous week all !!! 🙂

wow, thats a lot of Lol.

@callmedubious Really, Sweetie. ..that's what you saw... ?? The lols... LOL !!! Hope u have a Beautiful life... 😉 Thanks for your input.


If I love time will not change her in my eyes


I usually don't give my appearance much thought. I booked into an appartment yesterday for a vacation and the room has a big mirror facing the bed. Quelle horreur!! I'll avoid it like the plague.


Yes yes


If a woman is beautiful but dumb, she is boring. If she's beautiful but bright, she's frightening.

I have met many beautiful but boring women because their looks have allowed them to skate by & they haven't been challenged to develop their personality. This principle applies to good looking men too, not to be sexist.

As I have gotten older, I've become more adept at not being enamored by a person's surface, but trying to know their real character. This is a benefit of the gonads dying down, as well as the accumulation of experience with people.

If she's frightening, she's also exciting. At least I won't be bored


There is a little karma at work here. When you look in the mirror and you see something you have looked down on before, the harder it is to respect what you see. There is a lot to respect about years. See that you do. You do want to be there yourself someday.

MrDMC Level 7 Sep 4, 2019

Age appropriate first off!
Not a adrenaline junkie!
Not over weight to the point of obsese!
Looking for one to save them, both emotionally and financially!
It seems too many want the fantasy, instead of the reality!
We are set in so many ways because of our previous failures and successes!
When Elvis left the building a long time ago, yet we are still trying to revive that lost mind set!
This is a mismatch but too true too ignore!


In the Catholic schools my dad sent me to, masturbation was self abuse. That didn’t stop me. When I was agnostic I heard it was self love.


It’s a corollary to “Buy low; sell high”, or “Give as little as you must and take as much as you can.”


Sad truth


what is an NPC?? 😕 And yea often gym rats or those primarily concerned with their looks tend to neglect their most powerful organ: their brains.... their bodies may be fit but their brains are out of shape, so to speak. It is those few gems that have found a good balance between working on their bodies and their brains 😀

NPC is a gamer phrase
Uber nerd word
Non Player Character

Basically a computer playing an in game character

@darthfaja oooh yughhh that's why I didn't know it.... dislike gaming culture... sorry not sorry xD

Totally understand
You’re better off without it
Terrible time waster

@darthfaja also money waster... consoles and games cost soo much damn money... it would hurt my frugal heart to be a gamer 😮 😟

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