Yes and violance against those who we despise does nothing but give them a reason to blame us This is why it is so important that when we challenge anyone you do it with respect and dignity
No your mind is your only temple and we have invented lying to save our asses in my case or just plain bullshitting for other reasons that are many. takes real bravery/stupidity to speak out to the wrong audiance.
It demands an Educated Society and Education should be our first and foremost concern.
Yes don't fight using violence and stoop to their level.
Then let me answer your question with a question do you think we need to challenge their ideas with our free thoughts or do you think we can exist with my free thought and there ....what they perceive to be free thought ....their gods and worshiping that......
..... in other words Live and Let Live?
In all actuality it seems like we need to fight back because of the way the world is religion seems to be the biggest problem we got going on pretty hard to ignore what's going on pretty hard to stick your head in the sand My Views are changing even as I posed the question