If you have kids in school, are they bus or car riders? Why?
You need a third option. We live within walking distance of an Elementary, a Junior High and a High School. Walking is not optional when the weather permits. Driving is silly unless the weather is bad, we're running late, or school activities start or end when it is dark outside.
I Take the grankids to school by car as their mummy works nights and daddy leaves early for his job . Its not too far , but with the speed I walk nowadays , it would take too long to get there on foot
Both of mine were bus riders grade think through 12. It was just too convenient, and paid for. It's a 15 minute haul from home, one direction, 25 to work. That's a lot of gas, time, and pollution. The drivers have done a good job keeping the kids civil. It worked out for us. I realize each year and route is different. We lucked out.
My children walked to school like I did when I was their age. Different if school out of the area so I was lucky.
I'm so glad you said that! So many parents are afraid to let their kids do ANYTHING!! I walked, my daughter walked, her kids walk to the bus stop.