Am really glad I came across this writer (Kathy Copeland Padden).
She writes:
"The number of American children living in food-insecure households continues to grow at an alarming rate. This is a public health crisis of epic proportions as proper nutrition is necessary not only for a healthy body but a healthy mind.
Hungry kids are at an automatic disadvantage in the classroom. Children who are hungry cannot learn. Through no fault of their own.
It’s become acceptable in this country to punish the children for the perceived sins of their parents, from starving them, leaving them homeless, and denying them healthcare, to ripping babies and kids from their parent’s arms at the southern border.
The practice of using children to intimidate or punish their parents is as old as time, but no modern, civilized society should even consider this barbaric tactic, never mind implement it."
The thought of a child going hungry makes me very sad. But republicans have always been against feeding hungry children. I remember when the Reagan administration said ketchup was a vegetable.
I wish I could remember the author to credit, but years ago around the time Rethuglicans wanted to discontinue school lunch programs because the claimed they showed no improvement in academic performance, I read this response (from memory).
"I don't want to feed hungry children in order for them to get better grades in school, I want to feed them because they're hungry."
I love this person.