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Some can come up with all the rhetoric, supposed truths and spin they want but the proof is in the violence rate and number of people killed BY GUNS in this country. No other civilized country has a death rate even close to ours. For me it is a simple fact that unrestricted gun use is the cause of all the carnage in this country and anyone who puts their supposed right to have uncontrolled access to as many and kinds of guns they want over the lives of others is immoral, uncaring, and is basically a sick human being!!!!


Let's get something straight. This is my post and I say what the topic is...not you. And Obama is Muslim


I do not think there is an easy solution to gun control. At the forefront, I think that Reagan's opinion is irrelevant as he is not responding to the horrific events that have taken place currently. But, I agree that violent crime will not end by taking guns out of the hands of citizens. And I agree that the second amendment needs to be protected. However, when we attempt to simplify the issue as Reagan has done we are ignoring pertinent details; such as, the guns that exist today are not the simple guns that fired one bullet at a time. Guns are more powerful and more deadly. No one needs an assault weapon, period. We are not discussing hand guns. This is an issue that did not exist when the second amendment was written. Also worth noting is that the Constitution was written in a manner that enables it to be amended as needed. Those who came before us predicted that time would lead to change. Lastly, I would like to point out that it is possible to modify the laws affecting gun ownership with out infringing upon the right to bare arms. Reagan did not acknowledge this. I wish I had the link to Obama's recent speech on gun control as it was much more relevant to the happenings of today.

Any changes that limit a responsible persons ability to choose a firearm that's best suited for them is an infringement. A baseball bat, a knife, a rock, etc ....can and have been used as assault weapons. Every gun is powerful and is deadly. As far as Obama goes, I could care less what that traitor has to say. He has systematically and successfully dismantled our country in ways we might never be able to completely fix by paving the way for his Muslim brothers to take over.

@starletlive @artemisdivine Obama: "... The notion that I, or Hillary, etc. are hell-bent on taking away folks' guns is just not true...There's been more guns sold since I've been President, than just about anytime in U.S. history. There are enough guns for every man, woman, and child in this country. And at no point have I ever proposed confiscating guns from responsible gun owners..."

Are those true? What are the gun sales statistics during Obama's presidency? Is there a clip of Obama where he specifically stated that he'll be confiscating guns from citizens?

Also, I don't think Obama follows the Muslim faith. His name may sound like it. But claiming one's religion and ideology based on their name is baseless. Let's stick with the topic, please.

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