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Why do men get so mad when they get rejected?

This is probably already a question circulating but I thought I'd ask myself.

I see this all too often, when a guy PMs a girl with some sort of compliment or come on, and girls can be as sweet as ever with their let down that they are not interested and the guy will come back with profanity and put downs, calling her ugly or fat. I don't get it. Please explain.

valerina 7 Mar 19

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Some men. Just some.


It's basic. You hurt his self image, he freaks out. Not your fault, he's super insecure and a dick. There is no mystery here. You did well to say no thank you.


For the life of me I can't understand how such men think that conversation is going to go. In their fantasies, do they think it'll be something like...

He: "Would you like to go out with me?"
She: "No thanks."
He: [Abuse]
She: [Swoons] "Oh, I've changed my mind, let's go out! No, better yet, let me do you right here and now!"

Part of being a guy is offering yourself as a potential mate repeatedly, but only being taken up on your offer occasionally. That's just part of the experience.

Negging is a thing and considered a valid strategy by many men.

Does it really work, though? Does a woman really decide to pursue a man who says these sorts of things to them?

My guess is, "One with so little self respect she's probably not going to be a very interesting girlfriend," but I admit I'll probably never know because I'd rather attract a woman by mentioning things about her that I like and admire.


Because they think there superier it does happen the other way around bot no way near the same and woman have the thing men want ie a vagina.


I think it would be ignorant to look at history and say that men have always treated women with respect. They've been perpetually taught en masse that certain behaviors are acceptable. You're probably not going to find a logical reason.

@jsuischa Logically, it make sense in my head, but it's fun to hear what others have to say about it. 😎


Let us not rule out the fact that it could be that occasionally the rejection isn't as polite as you may think. Even the most simple comment can be mistaken. I'd never get hostile over being rejected but I definitely would if I thought it was done in a rude way.

Also, I am definitely not saying that this doesn't happen and far too often. Just throwing a different POV in about it all. No one likes rejection and both sexes can handle it poorly. Men moreso. But it is certainly not gender specific.

It may not be gender specific but it is far more prevalent with men. I may well be someone whose rejection you would consider"rude". IDGAF. I am NOT required to be nice to someone, or to act like I'm not a raging smart ass just because they want to fuck me. I don't understand why men can't seem to get that WOMEN DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING. We do not need to justify our existence by being pretty or nice or good cooks or any of the 5000 other expectations for us. Fuck all that noise.

@Blindbird I doubt that I would end up being on the receiving end of such an outburst but I cannot see how anyone could expect anything more than rudeness returned in kind if that is what you would see fit to give in reply to a compliment.
I don't just randomly compliment nor expect anything of anyone but I could see how this is an issue. If your general response to a compliment is rudeness however, sounds like you earn your shutty reply.
It does not sound like the OP handles herself that way and in her case, receiving animosity from simple rejection is far out of line. Simply handing a person attitude back in kind when all that was given to start was a compliment is perfectly justified however. Attitude breeds contempt and the return of attitude. And quite obviously, justifiably so.




Some guys can’t take rejection. It hurts their fragile egos so have to make themselves feel better by putting the woman down. Just block the jackasses they aren’t worth your time. But screen shot their dumb ass so we can laugh at them. Guys like that deserve it.


The best thing you can do is avoid them


Their pride is hurt. when you reject a guy you crush his ego it's basically a defense mechanism


Their brains are immature

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