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Should employers do pre-employment drug testing?

What do you think-- should drug testing be a common work place practice?

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silvereyes 8 Mar 20

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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If testing is 94% accurate, and 100,000 people are tested, then 6,000 people will be false positive. Of those 6,000 , their second test will result in 360 people having been found to be positive after two tests...conversly, no drug user who is exonerated will demand a retest!


Yes, since legal drugs kill more people than illegal drugs. Yes, let's help the Nationaism Government again.. Go Ahead, test everyone all up the Ying Yang and sort this garbage junkyard of a stomach us the masses are deeply program to have. Pay no attention to sugar, salt ,preservatives and dozens of greatest killers that partnership by government and Corperationism since 1960s. They are just following orders by the UN and NWO Agenda to bring the earth population down to 2 billion.

I'm tired of telling people Nationaism is more dangerous than Religion. Or it is our private business on what each of us put into our bodies. I don't care what assholes think, on the other hand my body is a sacred temple.


Igot a job in a warehouse when Iwas 24. Iwas a none drinker, none drug taking weed smoker.

when Istarted the job Iwas told there was a drugs test and , indeed, weed was classed as a drug.

when Iadmitted Ididnt class weed as a drug and Ido use it Iwas dismissed (before the drug test that would have cost them money)

applied for student loans the next week and left the region for a year, and then the country for a year. (and am kinda planning the same again)

freaking england.

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