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Has anyone read a book & when you were finished you felt sad b/c it was the end?

You wished the story would go on & on & on!

atheist 8 Mar 20

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Pretty much every Terry ?Pratchett fan cries when (sometimes at last) reading “The Shepard’s Crown”. It is the last book he ever did or ever will write and his estate has forbidden anyone else to use his Discworld universe. Th Th Th Th that’s all folks.


Im disappointed when I don’t feel disappointed ?


I was very sad when I read Terry Pratchett's last book. His books had always brought me so much joy, and the knowledge that there would never be another one brought me to tears.


All the time. Proves it was a good book.


But I wasn't ready to leave your world yet!

Only all the time. Why do you think fanfic exists? Of course, some of it sucks, but a lot of Marion Zimmer Bradley's contributors to Darkover went on to develop full-fledged worlds and careers of their own.


Common outcome.


Often, especially if it is the last in a great series.


I've had full-on book withdrawal on occasion, actually.

It's a thing, yep. I need a new read to get me there again, tough to find.


Almost every Vonnegut book I read.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was like that and was always pleased to discover the "trilogy" had more than three books.


Like, every book.
Specifically the Sackett series by Louis L’amour, he died before he could complete it.

@pthomas59 i’ll check’em out and add it to my ever growing list. I swear I’ll end spending a quarter of my life reading.


Yes, but fortunately I like Series books, so there is usually another one coming in a year.


Many times, particularly when I was young.


Yes-can't think of a specific book right now but yes.


yes, Heidi Old Yeller and others


havent read the last terry pratchet book wish he had left it i his will others
could carry on the series

Personally I am glad they is not allowing anyone else to continue it. I don't remember ever seeing a series continued by somebody else that was anything except dreadful.

@GeorgeRocheleau zelazny’s Amber series is a case in point.


many times! the best books make it hard to leave the world the author created. In my mind I never have to. ?


Heinlein's "Time Enough for Love" produced that response.

Oh yea..for me with Heinlein it was I Will Fear No Evil...i was about 10 or 20 pages to end on my commute. I sat in the train station to finish.. I love him.


When that happens look for something else by the author.



  • Hyperbole and a half
  • The lost gospels, Al Jourgenson

I can't count how many books left me feeling that there is more.....


Absolutely!!! Angela's Ashes, I Know This Much is True, The Notebook, Still Alice, and probably 100 more that I cannot think of off-hand.




More than once.


Oh yeah!! fortunatly some of my favorite authors write more stories in the series. Elizabeth George, Anne Perry, Michael Connelly, etc.

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