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"I thought you were a Republican because you have confidence."

Joe and I banter at the gym while weightlifting. I look like a Republican? Them's fightin' words!

"That's good posture," I replied. "I'm not a sniveling, weak scaredy-cat. Since age 18, I have been a Democrat, environmentalist, feminist and volunteer, helping people in need. Public service is important to me."

He would not admit he's a Republican. "I plead the fifth." Obviously, a Trump supporter.

"Are we still friends?" Joe asked anxiously. "Sure," I replied. But I lost respect for him.

LiterateHiker 9 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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  • "I thought you were a Republican because you have confidence."
  • "I thought you were a Democrat because you have brains."

Of course during the McCarthy era the 'fifth' was suspended for people accused of being a wee bit left. perhaps the same should be repeated for Trumpers today, so as to balance it out.


You have confidence because you feel you are on the best side! It's good to stay friendly with folks on the other side, in hopes that some ideas brought forth will resonate and budge their minds a little. Though they are usually pretty locked in, and it's so hard to present a topic in a way that is positive and respectful so they don't take offense. (So hard not to dis that who/which they worship, while making a point!)


It seems you are friendly with him. Which is much, much different than being friends. Given his values, he couldn't be someone that you'd allow into that selective circle.

The so-called confidence I observe in conservatives is largely insecurity and discomfort with change. Which of course, is insecurity. Often, though in fairness not always, compounded by racism, religious intolerance, xenophobia, and white nationalism.


It is going to be an interesting election for you,,i certainly hope trump is so thourghly beaton but can just imagine what he will come back with We have just started our Canadian election but our process is far shorter about 4 to 6 4 week1s of bs then the election is over for another 4 years

The corporate media there hasn’t figured out how to monetize public elections?
Must be nice!

Our election laws are totally different then the US. With all the tricks they do down in your country majority of those politicians woould be in jail up here,,much more ethical,,very limitied in what cororations or individuals can donate etc .any one who talks down minotitys etc ,the party leaders bounce them immediately evn if it may have been way in the past,,but beleive me we still have our fair share of problems also


I lost a should had been friend and former co-worker that migrated to trump after burnie sanders was a lost cause in 2016. Never liked his wife anyways... ass, tits were faked... I am into original factory parts. Not missed the company.


The people I know who became Trump supporters were never what I’d call true friends but just acquaintances. So it’s no loss that I don’t talk much with these folks these days.


Lost respect indeed. ANYONE who supports this administration is the enemy.


The sad thing is that a functional democracy really needs diversity in its political system - often that means two real political parties who can debate against each other to reach a compromise that neither truly likes but can live with so when control changes hands, policies remain in place. The economy, in particular, needs predictability. Lately the Republicans have moved so far to the right and with trump right over the edge, this is no where near true. Republicans under trump spend all their time trying to overturn whatever Obama did and thwart anything Democrats want to do. Our democracy is becoming fundamentally broken. Until the Republican party regains its collective intelligence -- and its integrity -- nothing can get better, I fear.

It appears most intelligent Republicans have left the party. It will be interesting to see if a viable third party arises after trump.

Good thoughts.

@Sticks48 So true. Governor of Massachusetts is one of the few that has not drunk the koolaid but he s unwilling to speak out. The party as a whole is either terrified of trump or enthralled with him. Don't see a quick way out...

@Sticks48 That's always the problem, when a party swings wide the moderates go, and then it just gets worse. Even worse than that though, you can then get the other party swinging even wider the other way in reaction, then a counter reaction, and ever wider swings of the pendulum until something breaks and one side sees no way out, except a violent coup, by which time the moderates have become demoralized and there is nothing in the middle to call for reason. This is how democracy dies.

@Sticks48 It already has...the Nazi party.


Maybe he is just a bit slow and you can convert him.


I try to keep my conservative friends but don't interact with them so much and when I do I don't talk politics or religion. Seems to me, from living 20 years in the North West, that Eastern Washington is a hotbed of conservative ideology?


Not anymore. In 2016, 45% voted for Hillary Clinton in Chelan and Douglas counties. In 2018, 48% voted for Democrats.

Each year, more people from Seattle and California move to Wenatchee. We're gaining on it.


Next time you see him say "Do you even lift, bro?"

Good insult for knuckleheads.


I completely agree with you! Trump supporters make no sense.


Yup been there friends from army

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 13, 2019

That's how I feel. I accept anyone as a friend who wants to be my friend, but when they're a Trump supporter, it's just not the same!

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