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Imagine that there was nothing to hold you back and you could live ANYWHERE in the world, where would that be and why?

Hazydays 7 Mar 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Oregon and Washington. The climate and dungeness crabs.


The Copper Coast, County Waterford, Ireland...

the picture will tell you why.


If there were no limits then i would spend my whole life exploring every place with a reputation of cultural or natural beauty on the planet.

That sounds wonderful. Would you have no roots, no base camp, and just constantly travel from place to place? I would need to have a place I called ‘home’ to travel to and from. I think I would like to call The Netherlands ‘home’.

@Hazydays I could stay longer in the places i really liked. But eventually the gypsy in me would lure me over the horizon. TIC TIC TIC TIC only one life to live!

But in a scenario with limits, having a home base to recover and plan for the next trip is a good idea. In that case Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities. Perhaps a rotation of home base every few years would work. Rio, any beach on Maui, or the Gulf of Nicoya in Costa Rica would also work well.

@kensmile4u The historical timeline of the gypsy in me, indicates that I typically have a complete change in my life direction (and location) every 5 years. Not by choice, just the way life presents itself to me. I tend to go with the road less traveled and it hasn’t failed me yet, hit a few bumps, but will always love to explore new horizons.

@Hazydays Bumpy roads lead to amazing places! I've certainly been down a few in my life. It looks like we both have some exploring to do. 😉

you are aware that "gypsy" is a racial slur...right?

@BHolliday No I was not aware the word gypsy was considered a racial slur in Europe by the Romani people. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I will try to use a different word in the future. If there were any readers of my comment who were offended I apologize.

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