The extent to which poverty relates to women possessing control over their own procreation decisions should embolden the removal of institutional barriers to birth control; instead, the exact opposite has occurred.
If only it were a cost benefit thing. IMHO the real issue is about men still wishing to control women and their belief women are not intelligent enough to make the really big decisions. There are many women who think this also. Keeping people poor is a benefit to those who will or can abuse them. There are many in America who will give up their rights if it means ensuring equality for all does not happen.
Before we can settle this right to control our bodies we need to educate girls to the fact they DO have a choice. With easy access to all forms of birth control the need for abortions drops!
Birth control and education for women has always been the route out of poverty. It’s the reason men want to control abortion and contraception because it keeps their power over women and their sexuality.