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LINK A String of Suicides Among High Profile Pastors: How Do We Make Sense of It? | Guest Contributor

It would be interesting to hear and see what these congregations think about this...

DGJ0114 7 Sep 18

Enjoy being online again!

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What a bullshit apologetic article.
These guys like all of their ilk are shyster bunko booth charlatans and dream peddlers, they exploit the weak and desperate and steal from the gullible.
I would lay money that each of them was about to exposed for some impropriety or another and took the cowards way out, or was murdered by an angry relative with the death made to look like suicide for the preservation of the reputation of the church.
These men and it is mostly men have been riding the gravy train for centuries and the world is finally getting wise to them.
Good riddance to human fith and scum and the best I can say is that if even one of them took his own life out of a sense of guilt and remorse then that was probably the only decent thing they ever did in their misbegotten waste of a life.


being generous - they are nearer to their god ..... maybe - maybe not
more likely the dead meat is rotting in the ground .. or maybe they were overcooked first


They know what they are doing is bullshit and they are afraid that they are going to get caught for doing something that would bring dishonor, but suicide they stop anyone from looking into what they did so the money stays with those who now have access to it. I really do not know but put yourself into the situation and what would make you want to do this?

I have to edit more.


Guilt and shame.


Law catching up to them?

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 18, 2019

They are human and you can only sustain so much inner tension. Perhaps they needed to offload their inner conflict and had no one to do it with.


Probably hard to stand in front of a bunch of sheep and lie about a sky daddy while you ask for money.


I believe as a pastor there's plenty to be depressed about. It would be difficult to stand as a perfect voice for god and morality and be human. It might even be conflicting to have to realize in moments of rational thinking that you've built this organization on false beliefs.

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