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LINK why-no-contact-with-aliens

An interesting article for those wondering why earth has not been contacted by aliens yet and maybe never will be.

Mark013 7 Sep 22

Enjoy being online again!

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If a civilization was advanced enough for interstellar travel, we Earth creatures might seem too primitive to have anything to do with. Would you try to carry on an intelligent conversation with a termite, or a screeching macaque?

I am reminded of this episode of Babylon 5.


We'll probably make contact long after we're gone once we have the technology to look for/visit them.


Good reason why

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 22, 2019

Too much distance in between star systems and galaxies.

Could be distance, especially for any sort of radio transmissions we are looking to receive. If a civilization has achieved some type of faster than light travel, then it is probability. I play a space game, Elite Dangerous. The game world is a simulation of our galaxy, 400 billion stars and you can fly to every one. Some have planets and you can also fly to each of those. The ship in game can jump a max of 45 light years give or take so a lot of stars are passed right by. We have been broadcasting low level radio signals for a little over 100 years so that is how far signals have traveled in light years. The odds of some advanced civilization being in the right place at the right time are enormous.

@Mark013 It's been 83 years since the first televised program and they were fairly low power I'd imagine. We already know there are only a few hundred planets that close. We don't hear anything yet... But who knows what next year brings.

Who knows if they would be carbon based. It seems likely but what about being based on silicone. Would their communication be via radio?


There may quite a few here already for all we know! There are some very strange people here who seem entirely alien to me!


Maybe they know what we are really like, and they are not stupid.


Without accessing the article, I’ve been thoroughly convinced we’ll not be visited by ‘aliens’ … if strictly due to time & distance..

Varn Level 8 Sep 22, 2019

@hankster I’ve no doubt they’re ‘out there’ … just too far removed for us to meet 😟

@hankster Hopefully, we’ll soon detect ‘a message’ sent thousands of light years ago ... from an intelligent and advanced form of life. I think the best we can hope for is the conformation that ‘something else’ is out there and ‘our kind’ will be given both hope and incentive to ..some day answer them ~

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