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Arguing with Religious ones

Do you like arguing with religious people about God?

AdarshFreeman 2 Sep 25

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Shit no! I am wasting my time answering this question.


Nope exercise in frustration

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 25, 2019

i don’t like arguing at all, to be honest. that’s why i’m still not open about being an atheist irl. i tell people i know won’t care because while i find it interesting and fun to explain what i believe and hear their beliefs in return, i’m not interested in changing anyone’s mind or having them try to change mine. i’m pretty non-confrontational to begin with. i love to discuss things like god, but if there’s an argument, i’m out.


Let's say ..I never walk away 😀

I do enjoy it ..if we’re not neighbors, fellow employees, or likely to see each other regularly. The question becomes, how completely do you wish to burst their bubble? I’ll also consider, what’s their aim? Are they actually attempting to ‘help me’ find comfort in life, or simply cram their ideas down my throat..?

But I’ll converse with either ..I’m stupid like that 🙂

Varn Level 8 Sep 25, 2019

It depends on the person. If they are genuinely interested in my point of view simply want to challenge it in an intelligent exchange of ideas, then I'm happy to participate. Usually, though, it is someone who considers it their duty to "rescue" me from myself, so intelligent exchange isn't possible. I am able to end those types of arguments pretty easily, though.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 25, 2019

it's rarely a "discussion". usually it's just 2 people speaking or typing in a particular direction. they aren't debating ... they just keep stating their points again and again. thats both sides, not just religious.


I used to but would rather have an intelligent discussion now


Rando on the interweb? Sure, if I'm bored and have time. Person I know? Nope. If I have to live/work or whatever with you irl, I'm not arguing with you about Jesus, Mohammed or the fucking tooth fairy.


If they are willing to actually discuss things yes, if they simply wish to ignore me and then preach at me no.

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