Do you think evolving into the most superior species would require us to change everything about us that makes us human?
Well, what makes us human? Is there a defining trait?
I'd say it's our curiosity, our need to explore. In that, whatever our evolutionary descendants become, they must retain that shred of humanity if they hope to conquer the stars. So in some small way, I think we will always exist in our line.
Well, also our emotional psyche. We are very "feeling" oriented. We're also a very social species. Unlike certain animals like cats who can bond with another creature, but are perfectly capable of being independent.
Superiority is only a niche and temporary condition.
It is largely meaningless in terms of Evolution.
Ultimately our species as every species will terminate. The hope is that humanity may be what something more suited to it current and future environment evolves from.
At best we are a link in a continuing chain into the future. In all likelihood we will be another dead end in the Hominid line.
True. Good reminder. Evolution is not necessarily a goal of progress. It branches out in all sorts of random directions.
Having said that, if we could let go of something like our tendency towards irrational emotion, and become like Vulcans, will we be unrecognizable? And would that be a bad thing or good thing?
@Auty89 Genetic change is indifferent to good or evil. Social change is subject to our reason and emotion and our evaluations of ill or weal. A blind theoretical only gives the feel of having answered something. No Comment.
You mean in the fact that we can never outrun our family tree?
@Auty89 We have over 400 genetic diseases, many of which are mental disorders. Maybe one of these days science will come up with a way to alter these genes and we will have no sociopaths and psychopaths both who seem to quite often find their way into positions of power due to ruthlessness and sometimes coupled with intelligence, a very dangerous combo. Humanity is what it is, and I see nothing to indicate we can avoid bing what we are.