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Would you ever tell your kid to 'get the hell out'?

Are parents too lenient & put up with too much crap?

atheist 8 Mar 21

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Hopefully not in those words, but you never know what you would do till it happens. Anyone having dealt with an addict who lies and steals will tell you that. Sometimes there is only so much you can do and you can't help people who don't want to be helped.

marym Level 4 Mar 25, 2018

Didn't have to, but seriously can't imagine doing it anyway.


Absolutely, I've done it actually. He was given an ultimatum 5 months after he graduated from high school. Get a job by January 1 or 'get the hell outta my house'.


Not in those words, but if my adult daughter's actions or words made my life an unbearable nightmare, I would have no problem telling her the timer had run out. I would not do so if she was under the age of 20.


I think I would


No, I don't think I would, but my mom had no problem doing that with me. Long story short, I'll never have kids, because I'd be afraid of turning into my mother, which would cause me to spoil them rotten and turn them into little shits. A pet bird or fish would be nice, though.

Lol, true! I actually love dogs. I just don't know if I could handle the responsibilities that come with owning one. They have way more energy than I do, haha.

@atheist Lol, that's a pretty good idea, actually. I'll think about that for when I'm stable and can afford one. I always did feel bad for old dogs because they don't get adopted, and I don't mind having an older dog, so having an old dog might be nice.


You bet!! Part of the problem is coddling kids. I work in retail and I see it every day! Ugh.


Not likely, to either saying that, or to putting up with too much crap.

I think that may be too broad a generalization to answer, given that most every generation has a percentage of people that think "those youngsters" are spoiled rotten.

@atheist Heck, no. My parents simply told me how much I'd have to pay them to live there. 😛


They would have to do something really horrible before I could throw my kids out.

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