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Flip, flip, flip flop. At the beginning of Trumps candidacy, the Carolina bathroom bill controversy arose. When asked, about Trans people using bathrooms in the Trump Tower and other Trump properties, "the Donald" insisted he didn't care who used his bathrooms, and he had no trouble with Trans people using the bathroom of their gender choice.

He got into office, and it wasn't long before he began his initiative to restrict and eliminate Trans in the US military. Since being in office, he has opening sought to restrict Trans in many areas of society. Anti-LGBTQ violence has increased, and anti-LGBTQ laws have passed all over the country.

I'm glad he has decided to speak out against LGBTQ discrimination in other countries, but about in his own country. Trump is an opportunist. He must percieve an advantage in some form or he wouldn't have included this issue in his speech to the UN. Question is, what is his hidden agenda and the advantage he perceives. He could care less about the well-being of the LGBTQ community.


Am I surprised? Nope. Once he's in prison, he better bend over gracefully and spread those cheeks when he's in the shower. Payback is a MF.


Maybe he’s angling for the “gay” vote in the forthcoming elections!



He must have just discovered his sons are gay.

Love that it Eric or Don.....or maybe young Baron?


Maybe all three...

Now, we just need to learn that Ivanka is a product of an affair Ivana had with a Hispanic fellow, and we really could be getting somewhere..

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