Your president is a pathological liar, and there seems to be nobody on the republican side who will stand up and say so....they keep making excuses for him. If the truth does not fit into his view of history he just changes it and calls it alternative truth, and they all just go along with it like sheep. It is like living in a Kafka novel!
It would be interesting to see their stance if and when he got kicked out. So many Germans said they didn't support Hitler after the war. People will just go along with whatever they think serves them at a particular time.
@JackPedigo Yes...that will be interesting.
Yeah.... 12,000 plus lies. Who's going to believe he? Oh yeah, FOX News
All presidents do it. Some are exposed. Some are not.
But not as bad as tru trump,he is neck deep
And none of them have lied as much as trump 12,000 + so far
Do some presidents lie...most probably. Do all presidents lie...we don’t actually know if they all do, but leaving that to one side...there has never been a President who has lied so often and so compulsively as Trump. It would appear in his case to be pathological.
We easily forget that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying on oath. His wife who wanted to be president after lying about 20,000 missing emails got a historic backlash from voters in 2016. How easily we give in to just hatred and not facts and history. Ask the conservatives side. They hate Hillary as much as we hate Trump. Our representatives in Congress are not any different than how we are. Just hating day in and day out. Nothing constructive. We complain nothing gets done in Washington.
Carry on the hatred.
Yeah, I would agree that's a bit of a false equivalency. All humans lie, too, but some are still waaaaay more trustworthy
@St-Sinner Did you not read my reply...I acknowledged that it was probably the case that most presidents lie....and it’s well documented about the Clinton lies, I am not ignoring it. What I did say was that none of it was anywhere on the same scale as Trump’s blatant and compulsive lying. That is why I called it pathological. I don’t hate anyone and as I’m not American I vote for neither side. As the saying goes, I do not have a horse in the race!
@Marionville I am saying that Conservatives are saying nobody lied more than Clinton, Obama and Hillary. Read Fox News or CNN every day and you will get different impressions. It is subjective backed by full blown hatred. We do not have free thinkers here. We are extreme left wingers.
@St-Sinner Don’t include me in that “we”...I don’t see any Fox or CNN. Most of my news is taken from the Independent or the Guardian online, and the BBC TV news. I formulate my own opinions based on what I consider to be reliable journalistic sources,
@Marionville What you are saying are not facts. It is an opinion. There are claims on both sides to the contrary. Show me a Wikipedia page, not a news site on the left or right where they show Trump lied more than Clinton or Obama. BBC is better but they also cite sources. BBC has apologized many times for non factual reporting. []
We have opinions based on hatred and reading our cherry picked sources.
@St-Sinner Have it your own way...there is no way you can be objective, so there’s no point in having any discourse with you. The BBC does get it wrong at times...correct, and when it does it publishes an apology, as any responsible news medium would. The Independent is a reliable investigative publication and unbiased in its reportage. I frankly think you are in denial about Trump and his lying, and it doesn’t matter whether all other presidents lied or not...they are not the ones at present in the White House lying through their teeth and fucking up the world.
@Marionville In fact I will always be objective because my opinions are not based on how others think. You told me that you believe based on what Guardian and BBC tell you. I am a free thinker. I am not a hater here. I have given balanced views on Obama, Hillary and Trump. Never one sided which is the common practice of the haters here. I do not join the hatred spewing here. I state my views often to the contrary. Calling Trump the biggest liar is just not a historical fact. No independent source has documented presidents' lying.
If Trump was really that bad, he would not be elected once and will not be elected the second time. But he will be reelected in 2020. This means the nation does not share our one sided hate.