Yes, I don’t eat meat or dairy and am healthier than I ever was when I did, plenty of protein in plants, B12 is in certain products I buy... I don’t tell otheres to do as I do, I did it to have fewer migrains! Is it better for the world, animals and us? Yes ...if someone changes because of my example great but I don’t preach it. It often feels like people get pissed off at me for not eating meat, lots of vegan cracks... but I have my path and believe in it.
sorry I thought this was about a completely different subject!
Without meat totally would be difficult, never really tried it
I went mostly whole food plant based last November for health reasons. I might eat one or two servings of animal based food per month, generally when I'm eating out. I've reversed many health conditions, like chronic angina & migraines, as well as completely reversing symptoms of diabetes. A couple nice side effects are I've significantly reduced my blood pressure & lost 40 pounds without tracking calories. I've done all this through diet alone, no meds. Most people like animal products, & that's fine, but we definitely don't need them. Beyond that, they can be severely detrimental to overall health when consumed in large amounts, as is typical with the standard American diet.
I am an omnivore and feel I may go vegetarian at some point in my life due to issues around animal treatment and the environment, maybe even financial. I have less of an issue with eating meat than I do with the treatment of the animals. I have cooked for vegan friends, it is too hard.I couldn't live that lifestyle.
I didn’t read all of the comments but we can get all the protein we need from plants because all the proteins in animals come from the plants they eat. So other than the taste we like meat isn’t essential for modern humans
I can and I do. I have been told my blood type is geared for eating meat and my health will suffer if I don't. I don't care because the guilt would do more harm than not eating meat does.
I could. I've gobe without for a few years - no particular reason though.
The list of foods I cannot eat because of allergies is so expansive there is no way I could survive on a vegan or vegetarian diet. I already have to take supplements to ensure I get enough nutrients. People should respect others diets, no matter what.
of course, I can but my living still involves many deaths
For me it is about upbringing (and will power). If you bring up a child to not eat meat, they cannot miss what they have never had, and therefore no will power required. If you are brought up eating meat, and are then educated on the subject when you are older (like me) then you require will power, and when it comes to diet I am lead to believe that no diet has higher than a 10% success rate (losing weight and keeping it off long term). People try to diet (avoid certain foods) and then after a while, they relax, and most of them weigh even more than when they started. Although a diet which involves avoiding meat isn't for health purposes but for moral purposes, these stats are still relevant. The main problem I have is that I have ulcerative colitis (bowel disease), and eating veg is something that doesn't agree with me, whereas when I eat meat I tend to feel ok. I want to give up meat, but feel that
1 I would struggle to give it up completely
2 based on my condition would likely suffer worse with the colitis
Answer = frustration
Yeah I probably could but wouldn't like to. I cut back on meat last year and nealy stopped red meat altogether. I think I've reached a good balance and I try not to eat it when I don't need to.
I probably could live without meat, but I don't intend to. I like it.
I say to each their own. Be vegan and good luck to ya, but
don't get preachy about it. Don't be telling other people
what they "should" be doing. (That's a general "you", not a you-you.)
I'm not a fan of PETA. Like not even a little bit. They're too militant and preachy for me.
It is a ugly thing, what we call survival, exist only at the cost of consuming something, be it meat, fruit or a vegetable. everything that grows is alive, and to think that consuming meat is diffeerent from biting an apple ? Yes, perhaps eating too much red meat has negative effects on you over time, so, all in moderation is the ideal way.
I could (stop), but I'm sure I won't. Also, at the risk of pissing some folks off here, I don't subscribe to the theory of "animal rights." "Rights" are for individuals with conscious brains. Having said that, I am also not in favor of animal cruelty and would support development and sale of synthetic, or lab-grown meat products, provided they were indistinguishable in texture and taste from the real thing.
At some level I understand being a vegetarian, although I will probably never be one myself. I have to admit though - I don't get vegans at all. One of my brothers and his wife were trying being vegans at one point - and they both looked sickly all the time. Kept wanting to force feed them some cheese or diary.
@Ella I know most of the reasons that people make those choices,... I just don't think that it is healthy (protein and fat wise at least) the way that most vegans do it. I do my best as an omnivore to only eat free-range chicken and their eggs, grass fed beef, and try to go meatless at least 1 or two nights a week.